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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Bail Laws Require More Resources

Bail Laws Require More Resources

PSA CPSU NSW members will protect the community.

The PSA CPSU NSW’s successful campaign to put stricter conditions on people charged with domestic and family violence will require better resourcing of the Court, Community Corrections and Custodial systems.

Bail conditions have been tightened and monitoring will be stepped up for people arrested for domestic and family violence offences.

“These moves are welcome to better protect the community,” said General Secretary Stewart Little. “But we will need to see better resourcing for a range of workplaces our members are in.”

Mr Little said there needs to be more resources put into Courts, particularly in regional NSW.

“We have the situation where people charged with domestic violence offences are in the same waiting areas as their accusers,” he said.

In addition, Mr Little said Community Corrections will need greater resources to monitor those under supervision. At this year’s Annual Conference, the issue understaffing at Community Corrections was raised at a domestic violence forum.

“Ankle bracelets are a good way to monitor movements, but we need more staff to make sure someone is keeping an eye on where these people are,” he said.

At present, most people serving community sentences for domestic and family violence offences are unsupervised.

Mr Little said the mothballing of gaols needs to be halted if more offenders are given custodial sentences.

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