Thursday 12 December 2024

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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Cancer Care Introduced For Members

Cancer Care Introduced For Members

PSA CPSU NSW members and their immediate family have access to a new benefit: Cancer Support by Osara Health.

The PSA CPSU NSW now provides a benefit for members or family affected by cancer.

The benefit is provided by Osara Health, which provides care to

people and organisations affected by cancer. Osara’s program uses expertise, empathy and technology. Participants gain access to digital tools, dedicated health coaching and evidence-based educational resources, assisting them to feel supported, informed and in control of health outcomes and their well-being.

Osara has several programs, including Cancer Coach and Cancer Caregivers.

Cancer Coach is an education, support and behaviour-change program designed by oncologists to help people take back control of their cancer care and achieve better outcomes.

Cancer Caregivers is designed to equip people with the support, information and skills to best look after a loved one living with cancer and improve their clinical outcomes.

Both programs are delivered flexibly and confidentially over six to 12 weeks through a mix of telephone calls, email and an app, coordinated by a Health Coach assigned to members when they sign up.

Members and immediate family are eligible for the program and can enrol confidentially or via a referral from the PSA CPSU NSW.

“This is an excellent resource for our members,” said PSA CPSU President Nicole Jess. “Having expert help at hand during something as traumatic as a cancer diagnosis can help reduce the worry and anxiety.”

For more information and additional resources, including a presentation on preventing colorectal cancer, visit the Osara Health PSA CPSU NSW landing page at or scan the QR code on the opposite page.

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