Saturday 27 July 2024

Contact 1800 772 679

Contact 1800 772 679

The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Champion of the State – Simon

Champion of the State – Simon

Simon works for NSW as a Special Constable. While their uniforms look similar to Police Officers, Special Constables have different powers and responsibilities.

“My job involves protecting life, property and information and to prevent offences,” he said.

“I have been working as a Special Constable for almost seven years,

“We operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, protecting high-profile facilities such as Parliament House, Government House, NSW Police Headquarters and several other covert locations.

“I like my job because of the people I work with and I feel what I am doing is important for the people of NSW.”

Special Constables are on the frontline, putting themselves in potential danger

if the facilities they protect come under attack.

Simon is one of the army of Champions of the State all over NSW doing their utmost for a safer, more prosperous state.

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