Saturday 27 July 2024

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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Job Cuts At Art Gallery

Job Cuts At Art Gallery

The PSA believes an extra wing should mean more staff, not redundancies.

Staff at the Art Gallery of NSW were disappointed to hear in March that budgetary cuts will mean job losses.

“The PSA will be lobbying politically and working with members to fight back against the cuts,” said Industrial Manager Siobhan Callinan. “The Art Gallery management briefed us late last year that these cuts were coming, but it is still disappointing that a Labor Government is reducing the budgets of cultural institutions.”

Ms Callinan said the opening in 2022 of the Sydney Modern wing, which almost doubled the gallery’s entire floorspace, should have been ample reason to hire more staff.
Instead, the Art Gallery has announced 30 jobs are on the line.

“The biggest issue prior to this announcement was workload,” she said. “Job cuts will just make this worse.”

Ms Callinan said after earlier hiccups, the gallery was consulting with the PSA over timeframes.

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