Saturday 27 July 2024

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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Parental Leave Updated For Workers

Parental Leave Updated For Workers

Pressure from union makes workplaces more family-friendly.

After campaigning by unions such as the PSA/CPSU NSW, the State Government has made a number of amendments to Parental Leave entitlements.
Changes to entitlements include:

  • Removal of the distinction between primary and secondary caregiver to remove gender bias
  • Capacity for two weeks, concurrency for parents taking leave
  • Two bonus weeks of leave can be shared between caregivers, or both weeks utilised by one parent, when other parental leave is exhausted
  • Expansion of eligibility to include employees providing Out of Home Care if there is a permanent out of home care arrangement in place
  • Leave can be taken at any time in the first two years after the child is born
  • Five days’ paid leave per calendar year for IVF fertility treatment, which can be taken in part-days, single days or consecutive days.

The NSW Government had announced changes to the parental leave provisions for Public Sector workers in the 2022-23 State Budget.

This followed the PSA, along with other public sector unions, advocating for improvements to parental leave through the Women’s Economic Opportunities Review.

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