Sunday 8 September 2024

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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

We Can Do Better

We Can Do Better

A departure into the world of tomorrow
Maja Göpel

Claiming this is her final book, Maja Göpel has given the world an optimistic view of how to improve society and save the planet.

A German Political Economist, Ms Göpel is part of future-focused organisations such as the Club of Rome and the World Future Council.

In her book, she lays out strategies to reduce humanity’s impact on the planet by overcoming what she describes as “system traps”; preconceived notions that are holding back progress.

We Can Do Better is a serious work outlining strategies to take on serious problems. By breaking down the issues and the “system traps” creating them, Ms Göpel applies logic to come up with practical solutions.

The book is not limited to environmental issues.

It also touches on worker burnout, using the example of the extreme conditions for employees at Goldman Sachs.

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