Saturday 27 July 2024

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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Champions of the State – Jillian

Champions of the State – Jillian

Jillian is Regulatory Co-Ordinator North Western Area Command with the Rural Fire Service (RFS), a government agency that was thrust into the worldwide spotlight in 2019-20, as fires ravaged NSW.

“My job is to ensure that RFS is compliant with safety regulations, keeping our staff and volunteers safe,” said Jillian.

Jillian is proud to work in an organisation that is so vital for the state.

“Without the RFS, NSW would struggle to meet its firefighting demands, and the community relies on us for its ongoing safety, even in non-fire season,” she said.

In non-fire season, the RFS performs work such as hazard-reduction burns and clearing to ensure blazes breaking out in the hotter, drier months are kept under control.

The RFS is just one of a number of frontline agencies tasked with firefighting. The PSA CPSU NSW also has members in Fire and Rescue, Forestry Corp and the National Parks and Wildlife Service protecting the state from bushfires.

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