Tuesday 21 January 2025

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The magazine of the Public Service Association of NSW and the Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)

Car In The Fast Lane As School Changes Take Effect

Car In The Fast Lane As School Changes Take Effect

Education Minister visits PSA House to meet with Schools Departmental Committee.

Prue Car, the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education spoke to the PSA Schools Departmental Committee.

Ms Car thanked the PSA for its work convincing voters to reject the previous Liberal National Coalition Government.

“We have inherited a system in crisis,” she told Delegates. “I am still concerned the lived experience for workers in schools has much to be improved.

“My government has at least acknowledged there is a problem. People voted for essential workers and a fresh start for people who work in essential workplaces such as schools.

“We will get you better pay and conditions. “Education is the most important service a government can provide.” Acknowledging many Student Learning

Support Officers are assaulted on the job, she added the PSA will be involved in any review of behaviour policies.

Committee Chair and PSA Senior Vice- President Juliette Sizer said the Minister needs to fix the “outdated staff formula and position descriptions”.

Ms Sizer said she was encouraged the Minister said on numerous occasions that she had an “open door policy” and was keen to hear from the PSA and its members.

The Minister was also asked about strategies to slow the high resignation rate of School Psychologists, whose work is particularly important during what one Delegate described as “a mental health crisis”.

Department Secretary Murat Dizdar spoke to the Departmental Committee the following day, replying to questions from Delegates about the future direction of the NSW school system under the new government.

Ms Sizer said that as a result of representations to the Department, the Temporary Workforce Transition’s criteria will be extended to include staff who have worked continuously across the Department and not just in a single school. “Mr Dizdar was also very supportive

of reviewing the professional learning model for non-teaching staff,” she said. “He invited us to submit our proposals to him directly.

“He agreed with much of our views on this important matter for our members.”

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